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06-19-12 Motions
The Economic Development Commission held a regular meeting on Tuesday, June 19, 2012, in meeting room 3 at the Municipal Center, 3 Primrose Street, Newtown, CT 06470.
PRESENT: Co – Chair Donald Sharpe, Co – Chair Margaret Oliger, Vice– Chair Walter Motyka, Joseph Tarshis, Jean Leonard
ABSENT: Martin Gersten, Joseph Humeston, Elana Bertram, Thomas Murtha
Also Present: Elizabeth Stocker, Director of Economic and Community Development, Kristen Chiriatti from EverWonder Children’s Museum, and EDC Consultant Wes Thompson.
Co – Chair Margaret Oliger called the meeting to order at 7:05pm.
Acceptance of Minutes: Upon motion of Co– Chair Don Sharpe, the minutes of May 15, 2012, meeting were seconded by Walter Motyka and unanimously accepted.
Acceptance of Minutes: Upon motion of Liz Stocker, the minutes of May 29, 2012 special meeting were seconded by Walter Motyka and unanimously accepted.
Public Participation:
Kristin Chiriatti, EverWonder Children’s Museum
Kristin Chiriatti is the president of EverWonder Children’s Museum, whose goal is to build a children’s museum to Newtown.  The proposed interactive museum’s goal is to attract 100,000 visitors during the first year, and then 170,000 thereafter.  The project currently awaits construction renderings from Claris Construction, and then will be able to move forward and approach public and private donors.  Mrs. Oliger suggested that Mrs. Chiriatti reach out to groups such as CURE which has educational information. Mrs. Stocker and Mrs. Chiriatti have discussed possible Fairfield Hills campus sites and looked at Newtown Hall and Stratford Hall. EDC members expressed support of the project and she will keep the commission updated on any changes.
EDC consultant Wes Thompson, a SCORE official.
Mr. Thompson said the Service Corps of Retired Executives is a national nonprofit association that provides consulting expertise and assistance to small businesses and is willing to open a satellite office in Newtown.  What SCORE is seeking from the town is conference space to conduct guidance sessions on Tuesday afternoons and support from the EDC. He said the next step is for him to meet First Selectman Pat Llodra to gain her support.
Co – Chair Don Sharpe made a motion to formally support the establishment of a SCORE satellite office in Newtown as proposed by Mr. Thompson. The motion was seconded by Walter Motyka and unanimously accepted.
Director of Economic & Community Development – Report and discussion
Liz Stocker presented that there is enough money in the current fiscal year budget to fund  a consulting position as Economic Development Coordinator and will be combined with  a similar $10,000 anticipated in  next year’s budget.  She also expects to encumber up to$1,200 to help pay for a consultant to specify what remedial action is necessary to cleanse the contaminated Sandy Hook Auto & Marine property. The site is privately owned but the town has initiated foreclosure proceedings.
Mrs. Stocker advised the commission that it should work on the next fiscal year’s budget at its July meeting. The Western Connecticut Economic Development Alliance is meeting tomorrow in Danbury and will announce an Economic Development Agency grant of $60,000 to advance the alliance’s program. RFPs for the project have been sent out and a fundraising effort is very close to its goal of raising half of the total $120,000 for a complete study.
Mrs. Stocker noted that the New England Real Estate Journal has its economic development publication coming out in July and is looking for editorial copy of roughly 700 words by July 1. Margaret Oliger volunteered to write the editorial on the projects and intentions of the Newtown EDC.
Mrs. Stocker also noted the sale of a large Pitney Bowes building on Edmond Road for $4.8 million to Clancy Moving Systems. She also advised the board of the withdrawal of Claris Construction’s proposal to buy and replace Woodbury Hall at Fairfield Hills. EDC members then discussed alternative possible methods of promoting possible Fairfield Hills campus property and bringing potential developers’ proposals to the FFH Authority for its consideration. It was also suggested that a fast track review process of developers’ proposals by town land use, legislative and other agencies might expedite the sale of town-owned or privately-owned tracts. No action was taken.
Round Table Update: Ongoing activities-
Co– Chair Oliger made a motion to formally adopt the EDC position paper on the Hawleyville sewer project dated May 29, 2012, and move it to a town study group for consideration. Seconded by Walter Motyka and unanimously accepted.
The EDC has received and is reviewing applications for the Economic Development Coordinator position.
Graduate students from Sacred Heart University will present their findings for Phase 1 on their incubator study project on June 25. Next semester a second team of students will pick up the recommendations, if appropriate, and put together business plans and models that may be used to create a small-business incubator.
Executive Session:  None needed.
Motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:00 pm by Walter Motyka, unanimously passed.

The Economic Development Commission held a regular meeting on Tuesday, June 19, 2012, in meeting room 3 at the Municipal Center, 3 Primrose Street, Newtown, CT 06470.
PRESENT: Co – Chair Donald Sharpe, Co – Chair Margaret Oliger, Vice – Chair Walter Motyka, Joseph Tarshis, Jean Leonard
Also Present: Elizabeth Stocker, Director of Economic and Community Development, Kristen Chiriatti from Everwonder Children’s Museum, and Wes Thompson from SCORE
Co – Chair Margaret Oliger called the meeting to order at 7:05pm.
Acceptance of Minutes: Upon motion of Co – Chair Don Sharpe, the minutes of May 15, 2012, seconded by Walter Motyka and unanimously accepted.
Acceptance of Minutes: Upon motion of Liz Stocker, the minutes of May 29, 2012, seconded by Walter Motyka and unanimously accepted.
Co – Chair Don Sharpe made a motion to formally support the proposal made by Wes Thompson of SCORE, seconded by Walter Motyka and unanimously accepted.
Co – Chair Margaret Oliger made a motion to accept the EDC position paper on the Hawleyville sewer extension dated May 29, 2012 and move it forward to the Selectman’s, seconded by Walter Motyka and unanimously accepted.
Motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:00pm by Walter Motyka and unanimously passed.